Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventures - Going to Thailand

Hi all - not sure who is following or reading this at the moment but thought i would write some things - why not right lol!!!! So I was recently accepted to go and staff the PCYM (principles of child and youth ministries school) in Bangkok Thailand. The school starts there in Thailand on the 8th of November - but since i am going to be staff i need to be there 2 weeks before that. So the end of October!!!! Right now i am working on my support raising. I am almost able to buy my ticket to go ........ but still need more for living expenses - staff fees - and insurance for while i am there. i will initially be there for 6 months - they first want me to come and staff this school to see how i do in adjusting to culture ministry language ECT. then to see about a long term commitment of two years. this is a huge answer to prayer as i have been wanting to go and be somewhere for long term!!!! So here is a copy of my support letter - please consider helping in that is the only way i am able to do this in that no one with YWAM gets paid.
Dear Friends and Family,
I have recently been accepted to staff the PCYM (Principles In Child And YouthMinistries) school in Bangkok, Thailand with Youth With A Mission (YWAM)! This is a great answer to prayer, in that I have wanted to serve God in a place long-term.The staff in Thailand first want me to come and staff the PCYM to see howI adjust to the ministry and Thai culture; then we will decide about my doing along term commitment there. The PCYM in Thailand starts on the 8th of November, however I need to arrive two weeks before the school starts so I willbe leaving at the end of October.

The PCYM's and King's Kids mission statement is "To lead children, youth andfamilies worldwide into a proven knowledge of God, bring Him joy and togethermake Him known to all peoples." As staff I will be helping in leading the school andalso in discipleship of the students. The PCYM is six months - three monthslecture phase in which there will be teachings each week partnered with ministry;then the next two months will be outreach during which we put into practicethings learned during the lecture phase. Outreach will take place around andoutside Bangkok and Thailand.

I am very excited that God has given me this opportunity to serve Him inThailand, possibly even long term. I am going to need your help in prayer andfinancial support. I would appreciate your prayers for transition, support raising,adjustment to new culture, and to ministry responsibilities, and wisdom in buying anew computer. As a staff member with YWAM I need to raise all my own financialsupport. So far estimated expenses will be
• $800.00 for PCYM fees - which also includes all expenses for the outreach
• $1000.00 for staff fees - which includes living expenses
• International insurance - around $900.00
• Flight and Visa expenses - $2000.00

Pine Mountain Christian Community Church (PMCCC) has again agreed to processdonations for my ministry!! So please make checks payable to PMCCC with my namein the memo. Send to PMCCC P.O. Box 5245, Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222.

Love in Christ
Nina Feigl

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

starting a new chapter

so i know i havent kept up with this blog....but i am starting a new chapter in my life or at least for now.....and that is school/junior college!!!! it will be an interesting time for sure!!! i am taking math, public speaking, and biology. it will definitely be different being that i havent done actual school since about 2005 so about 5 years ago!!! but for now this is what i have planned....so i am going to try and keep this updated and let everyone know of my progress.
love in Christ